So I finished writing my research report in like 3 hours and managed to turn it in a day early :D Yeah that's right. I'm that boss. Personally I think I sucked balls at it and most likely failed it because I didn't do it right because no one really taught me how to write one in the first place, but hey, it's better than getting a 0 on it.Funny thing that happened it was Tuesday, Brain took me into the local anime shop, Anime 101, because he wanted me to look at the dice sets (which are like never going to be used). So I was but he pulled me inside anyways. We get in there and I was like in anime overload. I know that's the purpose of the shop but come on people? Nobody can seriously stand that much anime at a time....okay that's not true. I know a few people, like Sierra, that can but still. I'm not one of them. So I was following Brian around the store and I said out loud, "Geezus Christ, is this like an anime orgasm for people like Sierra?" Brian started laughing and I could hear the owner of the store trying not to laugh either. It was an honest question, but whatever. sadly, I have no ranting for tonight. Life has been pretty mellow. Sharks are on tomorrow and my parents are going to be gone, sowe get the house to ourselves so I'm really excited :)

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