So today, I had a great day with Brian and my best friend Sierra. I haven't seen her in a while since we're both busy with work plus I have school too, so it was a great day. Then my mom gets home. Sierra doesn't really like my mom anymore since she blamed Sierra for my behavior when I moved out suddenly and unexpectedly earlier this year. Because since Sierra was the one that introduced us, obviously everything was her fault. Yeah right. Anyways, Sierra's trying to play it nice with her but you can obviously tell she wants to hit her. So she has to go home and Brain and I drop her off. No big. Brain and I get back home and we make dinner. My mom is in the family room watching American Idol and making extremely rude comments about the contestants and the judges. Like when Jada was performing, she wouldn't stop saying how he;s nothing but a "fucking queer" that "can't sing" and has "no business being on that stage". And then she wouldn't stop going off about what a "dumb bimbo bitch" Mariah Carey is and how she "has no real talent" because nobody "cares about her" except for her boobs and hair. First of all, no matter who you are, what you believe or where you live, calling someone a queer will always be disrespectful. Even if you believe homosexuality is a sin, you still know calling someone a queer is disrespectful. Whether you care or not, you still know. Second, obviously he has talent is he can make it to the final 10. Whether you like his voice or not is a different story. Third, you may not like her, but I'm thinking Mariah Carey is much better than you and more successful at her job since...oh wait. You don't have one. there a job title for living off someone else while having no way to support yourself in any way and just completely depend on them? Oh, yeah it's called being a mooch. I'm not saying marriages are bad, it's just marriages are supposed to be partnerships. Not you sponging off your partner, spending all their money on worthless shit like another new purse every time you find a cute one even though you have 50 million perfectly good ones already or another pair of shoes to "keep up with the fashions" because you're getting old and desperately trying to hold on to your youth. Honestly, it's just sad when she tries too hard to look young. Mariah Carey doesn't have to try since she isn't fat like my mom is. Call me harsh, but it's the truth. She bitches enough about it anyways.Fourth, Jada has every right to be on that stage. Just because he wears heels, wears make up and dresses like a woman doesn't make him non-human. In fact I applaud him for going out there and taking that risk to accomplish his dream. Obviously, he's there for a reason since the judges like him enough to keep him. They don't give a damn what he looks like. He can be a blob of slimy green goo for all they care. The only thing they really care about his the voice and their singing talents, both of which my mother doesn't have. And her little comment about how she can do their job better is complete and utter bullshit. She has no idea what the difference between flat and sharp is or even if someone is singing in the right octave for that matter. If you can't tell that, then something is definitely wrong with your hearing. Fifth, there is a difference between expressing your First Amendment right and being flat out rude and obnoxious. The difference is a little something called morals and common courtesy. Crap I'm having a brain derp...what's that one thing you're taught when your little about being rude?...Oh yeah. It's called "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." Unfortunately my mom doesn't have a filter and it's the most annoyingest shit in the world. She honestly doesn't know when to bite her lip and not say anything. Even after a while Brain said she was starting to piss him off. So then, my mom asks us to clean up the kitchen because she doesn't feel it's right that she should clean it up after she made a huge mess cleaning chili and never tells my dad off for never doing the dishes. He just comes out of his man-cave, dumps his dishes into the sink and expects someone else to clean them. It pisses me off to no end because I refuse to clean up after other people. You're a big boy. Your arms aren't broken. You can clean up your dishes yourself. I ain't going to do it for you. The funny thing is, parents are so damn hypocritical. They tell you when your growing up to fight for what you believe in. It's always the right thing to do. Well, when you grow older and what you believe in goes against them, you do exactly what they taught you and fight for your beliefs and you get yelled at like there's no tomorrow. Like, holy shit man. I'm only doing what you taught me! So honestly, I tell her that. I told her flat out I'm not going to clean up after your mess. I'll clean the dishes Brian and I used, but yours and the ones dad used are staying in the sink. Eventually Brian begs me to do it just to make her shut up, so I reluctantly do. Then dad comes home and Brian and I are up in my room. We hear my mom talking to herself again, which is really common. Yes, we believe my mom is mentally insane. Anyways, she's saying some shit like "You won this round Jenae" or whatever. I have no idea. I was mostly asleep. I heard a few "fucking"s in there but I have no idea what she said, I tend to ignore her when she talks to herself. Anyways, Brian has to leave a bit later. Dad is standing in the archway to the man-cave when he leaves and tells me "Brian isn't allowed to come over anymore." I look at him and ask "Why?" He says, "Your mom is still pissed off at whatever you did earlier." By this time, I'm looking out the window to make sure he makes it off safely. My dad takes that for I'm completely ignoring him, so he asks "Did you hear me?" I say "yes, I'm just trying to think of what I did wrong this time. I honestly did nothing wrong." "Okay, well until you and your mom are best friends, Brina isn't allowed over here. Starting tomorrow. No more disrespect." He walks out of the room and rudely shuts the light off in the room I was in. I was like dude, you've got to be kidding me. He then walks into the family room and starts talking to my mother. I hear him say "I told her. Happy now?" And I'm like wow, really? Mom starting bitching about me AGAIN and now Brain's not allowed to come over again. Pathetic. So I say, fuck this shit. I want to go to sleep. So I walk upstairs and turn my laptop on so I know Brian got home safely. When he got on Facebook, I told him about what's going on. I asked him if he wanted to Skype so it would make this go faster and he said okay. So we literally just got on when my mom walks into my room and shuts the door behind her and is standing by the door just staring at me. I say "What?" and Brian thought I was talking to him so he asked "What?" back. My mom then tells me to turn my computer off. I'm thinking hell no. Not happening. So I turn my speakers off and shut the laptop and ask her again "What's up?" She keeps insisting I turn my laptop off and I keep giving her a weird look like one of those "what are you up to?" kind of looks.Anyways, she notices how I'm laying on my side across my bed so my feet are dangling off the edge. She then asks "Are you comfortable?" in an extremely sweet voice. and I gave her an even weirder look. I have no idea what the fuck is going on at this point. Before I can say anything else, she just walks out of my room and goes back downstairs. I'm still confused as all hell to this point and that happened a few hours ago. What I think was about to happen is mom was about to yell at me for something or hit me and when she heard Brian's voice she changed her mind because she didn't want him to hear it. Truthfully, I'm a bit scared for the morning but there's nothing really I can do about it.

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